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Pokemon Movesets

Massive Killers(have atlest 1 in ur team)


Nature: Adamant
Role: Tank
Ev's 252 Atk 128 Def 128 Sp Def
Ability: Clear Body
Item: Leftovers
  • Meteor Mash ( STAB )
  • Earthquake ( Coverage )
  • Zen Headbutt ( STAB )
  • Ice Punch / Bullet Punch ( Further Coverage or Priority )


Trait: Rough Skin
Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
-Sword Dance/ Hone Claws /Fire Fang
-Outrage/Dragon Claw/Dragon Rush
So, the point of this set it to go in there and set up on something you can resist or wall, such Forretress or something along those lines. Start it all off with a Substitute, to guarantee you get at least a an Attack boost with either Hone Claws or Sword Dance. Earthquake lets you hit anything that resist your Dragon STAB, while being boosted by STAB. Great for hitting Pokemons like Tyranitar and Heatran. Now, Outrage is just raw power, and a great move, especially at +2. Dragon Claw is if you dont want to be hitting Ferrothorn, and would like to set up some more on it or hit it with EQ, and not lose HP while doing so. Finally, Dragon rush is only here if you wanted a stronger move than Dragon Claw, but without Outrage's effect. Note that it is very recommended you use Hone Claws with this, as missing could cost you the match. Finally, you're not the set up type, Fire Fang can be used over SD/Hone Claws for more coverage.

Salamence (M) @ Life Orb

Role: Special Sweeper
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
  • Flamethrower
  • Hydro Pump
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Hidden Power [Ground]
Hydro Pump for the Sheer Power of that Coverage, No since in Covering something if you can't OHKO it.
Flamethrower for the Icee's.
Dragon Pulse for that Beastly STAB, and HP Ground for further Coverage.

Tyranitar @ Dread Plate (Basically, I have a S.S. Team)

Ability: Sand Stream
Nature: Jolly (+Spd, -SpAtk)
EVs: 252 Spd, 252 Atk, 4SpDef
Swagger- Basically a set-up for something unexpected.
Foul Play- A new move that uses the foes' base Atk, the move acts as if the target is attacking themselves, and thus is more powerful when the opponent has higher Attack, it is amplified by Swagger thus not making you all that threatened because of confusion, and STAB.
Equake- No reason needed. This skill is OP.
Ice Punch, Fang/Rock Slide/Aerial Ace- Ice to deal with weaknesses, Rockslide helps and has a chance of flinching or Aerial Ace a move that never misses. Your choice, as for me, I currently use Rockslide I feel lucky with that flinch.

Rhyperior (M) @ Choice Band

Trait: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
  • Rock Wrecker
  • Outrage
  • Megahorn
  • Earthquake
I used the type coverage calculator, and saw that Rock Dragon Bug and Ground.
Gets 222 Normal Effectiveness, and 441 Super Effectiveness. 0 and 0 For Not Very and None.
140 Attack stat, maxed with Nature and Ev's, with a Choice band!
Rock Wrecker is pretty much a Guarenteed OHKO agaisn't just about anything that it hits Neutral, Outrage is for those pesty dragons ( Oh look at me! I have a Garchomp ! ) Megahorn offers high powered coverage, along with Earthquake for STAB and coverage.
This guy is basically used for killing anything he wants to ( That doesn't switch ) And regretting it the next turn, naturally, I love him. This is also the exact same set I use for 1v1 battles.

Lucario (M) @ Air Balloon
Trait: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
  • Swords Dance
  • Hi Jump Kick
  • Shadow Claw
  • Ice Punch

This is my physical Lucario, ( I'll post special in a minute ).
Jolly + 252 Spd lets him out speed what he needs to, tons of threats.
Air Balloon won't be broken by S-rocks, and will let him by pass his Earthquake weakness... for a turn. In that turn, you can set up Swords dance.
Jolly will carry you speed wise for a while, if someone switches out from something like a choiced Earthquaker, or something that just generally isn't as good.
Hi Jump Kick is his most powerful possible STAB attack, Close Combat can be used too, but I use Hi Jump kick for the extra power, and to lure foes into my....
Shadow Claw. Ghost + Fighting + Ice won't be not very effective or not effective at all on any pokemon. Shadow Claw is primarily there for the ghosts that will come out after you use Hi Jump Kick, or possibly be switched into to screw you up ( - 50% ).
Ice Punch is for dragons and ground types, you can hit them pretty darn hard.
Possible Subs:
Hi Jump Kick could be subbed out for Close Combat.
Swords Dance or Ice Punch could be subbed for Extreme Speed or Bullet Punch, but I really don't reccomend doing that, this set runs without priority mainly.

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