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Saturday, October 05, 2013



Berries have a variety of uses. These berries can all be used and crushed in order to make other items, PokéBlocks & Poffin that are used to boost your Pokémon's Contest statistics. In addition to that, some berries have in-battle effects such as healing Pokémon and some even reduce the Effort Values your Pokémon have gained. Berries can be given to your Pokémon to be held and can be reproduced by growing them in loamy soil around the regions or in the Berry Pots item. All berries however are one-use so use them wisely.

Armaldo Description

Armaldo, The Plate Pokémon.

 It went ashore after evolving. Its entire body is clad in a sturdy armor.Its enormous, retractable claws can cut through most anything. Its entire body is clad in sturdy plates. Its tough armor makes all attacks bounce off. Its two enormous claws can be freely extended or contracted. They have the power to punch right through a steel slab. It usually lives on land. However, when it hunts for prey, it dives beneath the ocean. It swims around using its two large wings.
Poor Armaldo. It can Swords Dance, Rock Polish, Curse, Rain Dance sweep, Stealth Rock support and Rapid Spin. The problem is that every single one of those things is done better by another Pokemon. Its a shame because Armaldo is so cool looking, and its pre-evolution Anorith is based off the Anomalocaris which easily the most horrifying yet adorable form of ancient life ever (Google it!). Its stats are solid overall, except its pathetic speed. The problem mainly stems from Armaldo's terrible typing. Rock / Bug is one of the worst typing you could ever have... comparable to even Flying / Bug. It leaves Armaldo with just resistances to Normal and Poison, both rarely used offensive types. It is weak to Water, Rock and Steel, all common attacking types (well, not so much Steel). Armaldo's great Attack stat and solid movepool are completely ruined by the terrible typing, and that everything Armaldo does something else does better. To try and use Armaldo in standard is almost suicide but in the Neverused tier Armaldo has some uses. More because of a lack of better options there, however Armaldo is a passable offensive Rapid Spinner (its rival spinners are Delibird and Spinda... not much competition). It is also usable on Rain teams to help check Grass types with X-Scissor.

Kingdra Description

Kingdra, The Dragon Pokémon. 

It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves.It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning.
Kingdra is a well rounded Pokemon stat-wise with an excellent typing as well as a great mixed movepool, with good abilities to boot. The only reason Kingdra isn't solidly OverUsed is because its stats, though quite good, are just a little subpar, especially in its Speed compared to many of the other Dragons in OU. The ban on Drizzle + Swift Swim by most competitive sites also did not help Kingdra any (although since this is still legal in Doubles, to my knowledge, Kingdra is very effective there). However, Kingdra should never be discounted as in UnderUsed it can provide its own Rain to sweep with, or run a different but just as viable set, while in OU it makes possibly the best counter to Rain a team can have.

Crobat Description

Crobat, The Bat Pokémon. 

It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby. The development of wings on its legs enables it to fly fast but also makes it tough to stop and rest. The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking. A Pokémon that gained vastly enhanced flying performance by having its legs turn into wings. Having four wings enables it to fly faster and more quietly. It turns active when the night comes. Over the course of evolution, its hind legs turned into wings. By alternately resting its front and rear wings, it can fly all day without having to stop.
Crobat is the parent of Zubat, a Pokemon who is easily one of the most annoying in the game. Countless Zubats have infuriated players with Supersonic spam that always seems to make you hit yourself. It evolves into Golbat who isn't much less annoying. It doesn't help that probably 90% of Team Rocket has one (that or something from the Raticate family). Sure you could catch Zubat yourself but all it knew was the horribly weak Leech Life until about 10 levels after you caught it, where it would learn the almost as weak Bite and remain useless for basically the rest of the game. It eventually learned Wing Attack, but back in the day that was no better than a Flying type Tackle. Oh did I mention it learned no useful TMs and NO HMs (not even Fly in Red / Blue). Yeah, Zubat was a classic case of total useless junk. Gamefreak was kind enough to give Golbat an evolution in Gold and Silver. Sadly they didn't really do anything to help with its move issues. In Ruby / Sapphire Crobat received some desperately needed love. It got Choice Band as well as a ton of new physical attacks added to its movepool such as Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power and Aerial Ace. Crobat's biggest boost was in the 4th generation as the moves Roost and Brave Bird became available. Crobat also got use of Nasty Plot, and in Platinum it got Heat Wave. This is by far the strongest Crobat has ever been and probably ever will be. Now adays Crobat isn't nearly as good as it was last generation. The game has become more powerful while everyone's favorite bat hasn't really changed at all. It still has blistering speed and good stats everywhere else. While Crobat isn't amazing its still far better than its humble beginnings in Red and Blue. It may never relive its glory days of Diamond and Pearl but it can still make a name for itself.

Scizor Description

Scizor, The Pincer Pokémon. 

It raises its pincers with eyelike markings for intimidation. It also swings them down dangerously. Its wings are not used for flying. They are flapped at high speed to adjust its body temperature. It swings its eye-patterned pincers up to scare its foes. This makes it look like it has three heads.
Since Platinum, Scizor has come into its prime. It was the first Pokémon to really abuse Technician STAB priority, and it did it so well. 130 Attack, pretty good defences, a great physical movepool, a slick as hell design, it's a great Pokémon. In terms of revenge killing, it is arguably the best in the game. Technician Pursuit and Technician STAB priority means you can take practically anything down. It gets Swords Dance which can make it a brutal sweeper, or a Choice Bander to punch holes in the enemy team. It also has one of the best typings available.

Politoed description

Politoed, The Frog Pokémon. 

It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey. Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing. The curled hair on its head proves its status as a king. It is said that the longer and curlier the hair, the more respect it earns from its peers.
Oh Politoed, you crazy pink-cheeked swirly-tummied little critter. The pain you have wrought the OU tier is immeasurable. You and your endless rain... and, obviously, that's all Politoed is used for. Nobody sits there thinking "hm... I really need a bulky Water... Water Absorb Politoed, of course!". Basically, Politoed exists for Drizzle and Drizzle alone. Not saying it can't be useful outside of infinite rain, but it's the reason everyone adds it to their team. It can use Hypnosis... that's nice. Strong Water attacks, which is awesome. A fairly good support movepool? Great! But it's Drizzle we all go there for, and it's all we want out of the poor little green toad, whose ability is more desired than its own existence.

Poliwrath Description

Poliwrath, The Tadpole Pokémon. 

With its extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting. This strong and skilled swimmer is even capable of crossing the Pacific Ocean just by kicking. Although an energetic, skilled swimmer that uses all of its muscles, it lives on dry land.
Poliwrath was Water / Fighting before it was cool (looking at you Keldeo, and also I apologize for the overused hipster pun), and is quite a solid Pokemon in the RarelyUsed tier. Having decent offenses and even better defenses, as well as good coverage and a solid typing and ability, Poliwrath is a prominent threat. Although its offensive stats are relatively low, it makes up for it with a good support movepool as well as Bulk Up to help boost its Attack. And despite not being as good as its fellow Water / Fighting Keldeo or its cousin evolution Politoed, Poliwrath can hold its own in the tier it resides in and fill a couple of roles very well.

Snorlax description

Snorlax, The Sleeping Pokémon. 

When its belly is full, it becomes too lethargic to even lift a finger, so it is safe to bounce on its belly.Its stomach's digestive juices can dissolve any kind of poison. It can even eat things off the ground. What sounds like its cry may actually be its snores or the rumblings of its hungry belly. It stops eating only to sleep. It doesn't feel full unless it eats nearly 900 pounds a day.
Snorlax has always been a good Pokémon. 2nd gen was where it hit its prime, with the introduction of Curse, and Sleep Talk being able to pick Rest and fully heal. 3rd gen it was still amazing, being pretty much an auto-win if Snorlax was your last Pokémon. It was so hard to take down, it was insane. 4th gen it was less effective and seen more as a Choice Bander than a Curser. With the introduction of more powerful Fighting moves and special Fighting moves, Snorlax didn't really do too well in 4th gen OU, and it has just gotten worse with 5th gen. Everything took a step forward, but Snorlax stayed rooted in place. It gained nothing in terms of drastic improvement, and with the amount of hugely powerful attackers 5th gen brought to the table, Snorlax seriously finds it hard to switch in and take hits. It's still pretty good as a Choice Bander thanks to STAB Selfdestruct (even though it got nerfed in 5th gen) and a nice base Attack.

Flareon description

Flareon, The Flame Pokémon. 

Inhaled air is heated in the flame sac in its body to an intense fire over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It has a flame sac in its body. Its body temperature tops 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit before battle. It fluffs out its fur collar to cool down its body temperature
Here we go, the worst of the worst. “GIVE IT FLARE BLITZ” as if that'd actually get it some use. Welcome to Flareon, the absolute worst Eeveelution. An awesome 130 Attack, but terrible Speed. Good abilities, nothing to back them up. Flareon has no movepool. It can run a mixed set, but that's practically it. Its strongest physical Fire move is Fire Fang. FIRE FANG. 65 base power is its strongest physical STAB move? Ridiculous. 5th gen did give it Flame Charge, which is an awesome move (one of my favourites), but it doesn't stop Flareon from kissing the dirt constantly. At best it can be an alright mixed sweeper, but that is at its very best. Bad stat distribution, dire movepool, and honestly a pretty bad typing all adds up to an over ambitious delusion of grandeur.

Jolteon, Description

Jolteon, The Lightning Pokémon. 

If agitated, it uses electricity to straighten out its fur and launch it in small bunches. It controls 10,000-volt power and can raise all the fur on its body as if it were sharp needles. It concentrates the weak electric charges emitted by its cells and launches wicked lightning bolts. Every hair on its body starts to stand sharply on end if it becomes charged with electricity.
Jolteon is another good Eeveelution, although pretty outclassed by the new Thundurus. Base 130 Speed and 110 Special Attack makes Jolteon a candidate for the most offensive of all the Eeveelutions, but that's debatable. Again, Jolteon hasn't changed much. It has some new moves like Volt Switch, and has enough of a movepool to make a set out of, but otherwise it's your standard Electric Pokémon. Not too much to say about Jolteon really... it has a cool design? All of the Eevees look pretty cool though, I guess. Yeah, Jolteon is just your cookie cutter strong, fast Electric Pokémon. Nothing special, but far from bad.


Vaporeon, The Bubble Jet Pokémon.

Its cell composition is similar to water molecules. As a result, it can melt away into water. It has evolved to be suitable for an aquatic life. It can invisibly melt away into water. It prefers beautiful shores. With cells similar to water molecules, it could melt in water. When its fins begin to vibrate, it is a sign that rain will come within a few hours
Vaporeon used to be the undisputed best Eeveelution, but since Espeon got access to the incredible Magic Bounce, Vaporeon has lost the title of best. Not to say it is bad, it's still great! Just... not the best Eeveelution. Dream World brought it a new way to heal in Hydration and Rest, which is basically a free full heal in rain. Otherwise, Vaporeon hasn't changed much at all. It still uses the old standard of Wish/Protect/Water move/filler, and does it quite effectively. Vaporeon hasn't gotten worse, but it has some new bulky Waters to compete with, and has only slightly improved. It's a great Pokémon though, that can even go on the offensive with a great base 110 Special Attack.

Ditto Full description

Ditto, The Transform Pokémon. 

It can reconstitute its entire cellular structure to change into what it sees, but it returns to normal when it relaxes.It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees. It can transform into anything. When it sleeps, it changes into a stone to avoid being attacked. Its transformation ability is perfect. However, if made to laugh, it can't maintain its disguise. Capable of copying an opponent's genetic code to instantly transform itself into a duplicate of the enemy.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment." 
- Leon C. Megginson, commonly misquoted as Charles Darwin

Cloyster Awesome description

Cloyster, The Bivalve Pokémon.

 It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes. Once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superior strength. Cloyster that live in seas with harsh tidal currents grow large, sharp spikes on their shells.
Cloyster is a cool guy. Definitely one of my favourites (although some people think Shellder is cooler...). Back in 3rd gen is when it was really useful, being one of the few Pokémon to get Spikes and Rabid Spin, as well as being a strong physical wall. And then... Stealth Rock came into existence. Not only that, but everything got stronger moves such as Tyranitar upgrading to Stone Edge from Rock Slide, Fighting types upgrading from Brick Break to Close Combat, and pretty much everything being able to run mixed sets, which really destroyed Cloyster's usefulness as a spinner and a wall. So, this left Cloyster with being offensive as the only option, which with Skill Link it did quite well. However, when 5th gen was released, Cloyster got Shell Smash. Yeah, this one move skyrockets Cloyster's usability, and gives it the power to OHKO like... half of the OU tier. This overview is already huge so I won't go on about it but... +2 Attack, +2 Special Attack and +2 Speed at the cost of -1 Defence, which is stupidly huge so isn't a massive issue, and -2 Special Defence, which is stupidly low so isn't an issue either.

Pokémon XY - Episode Title

 Pokémon XY - Episode Title

Pokémon Best Wishes Season 2Be sure to check the last few updates for a new Mega Evolution and new Pokémon If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
In regards to leaks coming out, we're unable to post due to legal reasons, as seen in 2010 when we received a cease and desist due to the volume of leaks we posted. When we get our game, we'll cover everything with our usual massive level of meticulous detail with some amazing things planned for you. We hope you understand and stick with us through this. 

Friday, October 04, 2013

Small overview of sylveon


US Name: SylveonJp. Name: Nymphia (ニンフィア Ninfia)
Type: Fairy
Classification: Intertwining Pokémon
Height: 3'03" / 1.0m
Weight: 51.8lbs 23.5kg
Ability: Cute Charm
First Appearance: Pikachu & Eevee Friends & Pokémon X & Y

Small view of braxiene


US Name: Braixen
Jp. NameTeerunaa (テールナー)

Type: Fire
Classification: Fox Pokémon
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 14.5kg
Ability: Blaze

First Appearance: Pokémon X & Y
This Pokémon, is the next evolution of the Fire-type starter Fennekin and 

was revealed in the October issue of CoroCoro in September 2013


Extra card types

Welcome to the Pokemon Dj Cardex sub-section for Extra Pokémon kinds.
After a few sets were released, different kinds of Pokémon were released. These Pokémon were of the same species as the other Pokémon, but have added differences. The differences may seem superficial to some, but they give added features, attacks and new elements to the game.

Pokémon XY - Event Download Methods

 Pokémon XY - Event Download Methods

PokémonX & YBe sure to check the last two updates for a new Mega Evolution and new Pokémon If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
In regards to leaks coming out, we're unable to post due to legal reasons, as seen in 2010 when we received a cease and desist due to the volume of leaks we posted. When we get our game, we'll cover everything with our usual massive level of meticulous detail with some amazing things planned for you.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

TCG Shiny collection

Shiny Collection

Plasma Gale
Amount of Cards: 25 (20 Normal, 5 Secret)
The Shiny Collection set is a small Concept Pack that features numerous cards.These cards all have the ability of coming in a special holographic style, never seen in the cards before. Some of the cards within this set are reprints while others are new. It also includes five super rare full-art cards
Table ahead click read more--------^_^

A Energy cards help for TCG Begginers

Energy Cards

Energy Cards are a vital part of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Without Energy Cards, you are unable to use attacks in order to play the actual game. As such, there are dozens of different kinds of Energy Cards around. Aside from the 8 Basic Energy cards, a variety of Special Energy cards have been released, all with different effects which can be helpful to your game.
Table Click Read more-

Movie Summary

Pikachu's Summer vaccation

Ash and his friends arrive at a Pokémon only park. They set all their Pokémon loose and, after Ash tells Pikachu to watch over Togepi, they enter for a day of fun and relaxation. Unfortunately, it's not going to turn out the way they had hoped.
Moments after they enter, Togepi starts to cry of hunger. Pikachu and Squirtle both try to cheer him up by making faces, but he cries on. Squirtle notices an apple in a tree, and Bulbasaur gets it down with Razor Leaf. The apple bounces to the ground and rolls to Psyduck's feet. Unknowing of Togepi's hunger, he eats it and walks off. Togepi continues to bawl. Bulbasaur sends out his Vines and lift him into the air. He gently waves Togepi in the air while quietly singing the first use of Bulbabye. Togepi calms down and goes to sleep.
A little bit later, four Pokémon come walking down the path. Snubbull, Marill, Cubone, and Raichu are all

The Origin of mewtwo

Movie Description

The short begins in a deep, dark, tropical forest somewhere in South America. A few Mankeys scatter up the trees as a team of scientists dressed in explorer gear walk below. Mew hovers above them. It flies down to a leaf with a hole in it and watches from there. The scientists have no idea it’s present. The head scientist explains that today, his colleagues and him will reach the site where an ancient civilization built a shrine to Mew, the rarest and strongest Pokémon ever, now believed to be extinct. When they pass Mew, it leaves the leaf and follows. It hovers through a field of Butterfree and continues to watch the scientists.
The scientist then explains that when Giovanni, the head of Team Rocket, heard of his work in the field of cloning, he agreed to fund his research, but only if the scientist would create him an enhanced living replica of Mew. The scientist agreed, for Giovanni just wanted to control the most powerful Pokémon in the world, the scientist, however, wanted something more. They reach the site to discover that the shrine is there. It shows them take a few pictures before entering the shrine. They walk in to find a tablet on the wall with a picture of Mew. Suddenly, Mew’s shadow appears on the wall, then flies away. The scientists look back but see nothing there. The scientists are then shown entering their tent. The head scientist explains that his team has discovered what they believe to be a Mew fossil, and he prays it’s authentic. If it is, he might be able to make the most powerful Pokémon ever, and may be able to learn the secret of restoring life itself. Mew appears outside the tent and looks in. It then turns and heads for a huge mountain across the forest. The scientists are then seen at the lab, performing many experiments and genetic splicing. It ends the scene with a monitor of the DNA, following a tube full of liquid. A young Mewtwo awakens in a pitch-black environment.

Mega charizard X

Mega Charizard Footage

Pokémon X & Y - Mega Charizard + New Pokémon

Pokémon X & Y - Mega Charizard + New Pokémon

PokémonX & Y
Less than two weeks until the launch of Pokémon X & Y. This update will be updated throughout the day. If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
In regards to leaks coming out, we're unable to post due to legal reasons, as seen in 2010 when we received a cease and desist due to the volume of leaks we posted. When we get our game, we'll cover everything with our usual massive level of meticulous detail with some amazing things planned for you. We hope you understand and stick with us through this

Pokémon XY New Pokémon + Best Wishes - Episode Pictures

Pokémon XY New Pokémon + Best Wishes - Episode Pictures

Be sure to check yesterday's update for a new Mega Evolution and new Pokémon If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
In regards to leaks coming out, we're unable to post due to legal reasons, as seen in 2010 when we received a cease and desist due to the volume of leaks we posted. When we get our game, we'll cover everything with our usual massive level of meticulous detail with some amazing things planned for you. We hope you understand and stick with us through this.

Dragon type charizard

Dragon type charizard

The debate can finally end!! During todays special airing of Pokémon Origins within Japan, a new Mega Evolution was showcased. This is an alternate Mega Evolution of Charizard. 

This Mega Charizard is exclusive to Pokémon X and is called Mega Charizard X. It is also to be a Fire/Dragon-type Pokémon with the new ability of Tough Claws which improves the power of Physical contact attacks. Its Attack stat is increased.


Mega Lucario + Zoroark 

Mega Lucario + Zoroark Mix Fan Art I found! What do you guys think of the concept of Pokemon fusions? Would you have rathered Nintendo introduce fusion concepts into X and Y or do you guys prefer the whole Mega idea? Just wondering what everyone's opinion is! Maybe they will introduce fusions in Generation 7... who knows.


Mega persian

Mega Persian Fakemon Concept AS REQUESTED!! I am going to do a couple morning fakemon art pieces just to see what you guys think of them

New kalos pokemon

New pokemons

Two more new Pokémon have allegedly been revealed in a booklet that has been given in Japan. These two are the evolutions of Swirlix and Spritzee. What do you think of these evolutions? 

Mega Luxray Concept

Mega Luxray Concept

What do you guys think of this Mega Luxray art I found on Deviant Art? I kind of like the Griffin style! 

Kalos starters leak

Kalos starters leak

All of Kalos starters final evolutions have been leaked, have a look for yourself!
We want to see feedback from you all 

Charizard X vs Y

Charizard X vs Y

So, now thats it's settled in, Whats the verdict on 2 Mega Charizards? Yu can only pick one! whose it gonna be X or Y, did M. Chari X change ur mind on which game ur getting? Do yu think all the Kanto starters will have a X and Y mega form like chari here? Let me know!!

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Poke'mon DJ: Aurthors Wanted

Poke'mon DJ: Aurthors Wanted: Its a request for all Guys i m unable to post much on my blog so plz if any one wants to its aurthor u r welcomed just coment ur email i...

Pikachu's Adventure

PokéPark Wii - Pikachu's Adventure

PokéPark Wii - Pikachu's Adventure is an Action/Adventure game coming to the Nintendo Wii. This game features Pikachu exploring the PokéPark after being notified of a crisis there. While there, Pikachu learns he has to partake in a variety of attractions at the park
While at the park, Pikachu learns that to do the attractions, he will require the assistance of several Pokémon. These Pokémon are obtained through the Trial of Strength features where you partake in quizzes and battles. There are a variety of Pokémon to earn here.
Once you have the right Pokémon, you can partake in the attractions which include a water race called the Marine Slider, a Sky Race and a standard race. These are all controlled uniquely through the Wii Remote.
The game has 193 Pokémon to find within it, many of which will be able to play in the attractions. When you befriend the Pokémon and partake in the attractions, you will gain pieces of the Sky Prism which Mew needs in order to save the PokéPark.

Pokémon Card Game

Pokémon Card Game: How To Play DS

Pokémon Card Game: How To Play DS is a small tutorial game which comes with the Starter Kit + set of cards in Japan. This set allows for gameplay of the Trading Card Game and teaches how to play the game.
This game allows you to pick one of three decks of cards, based upon the Beginning Set and shows you all the aspects of gameplay for the Pokémon TCG. In addition to teaching the aspects, you can play against up to six computer opponents and there is also a quiz to test your knowledge of the rules.
The game is also useful as it has a rule dictionary for reference when you do play the game and you have the ability of sending the tutorial to friends through use of DS Download Play.
We'll bring more as it comes.

Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure

Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure

Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure is the first of the spin-off games released within the fifth generation. This game is a Typing Action game due for release on the Nintendo DS in Japan in 2011.
In this game, you play the part of a trainer travelling through various routes and areas discovering Pokémon. As you find Pokémon, you need to type in their names, in the case of the Japanese version, the English transliterations of the Japanese names. As you type the names, you capture the Pokémon and get coins. The faster you do it, the higher you score.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity is the first Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game to be released on then Nintendo 3DS system. It is due for release in the Winter of 2012
This game is the first Mystery Dungeon game to feature Pokémon native to Unova and has the Pokémon in full 3D. As usual, it as you play as a character who turns into a Pokémon. Possible Pokémon can be Pikachu, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott or Axew and allows you to select the Pokémon you are yourself as well as select the partner. Your task is to investigate the issues you see in your dream, being sent to you by Munna, recruiting various Pokémon as you travel through the game
In the game, you start off in the hub village of Pokémon Paradise. This area is a town filled with Pokémon which you can build up using Pokémon you befriend to make various stores as you rank up from various missions.
It also has augmented reality features where gates to new dungeons open up as you point the 3DS camera at certain items including coins, clocks, food and more. There are hundreds of these dungeons, all with varied Pokémon and item placements

Pokémon Rumble U / Pokémon Scramble U

Pokémon Rumble U / Pokémon Scramble U

Pokémon Scramble U is the third game in the Pokémon Rumble spin-off series. This game, coming out as a download title for the Nintendo Wii U, continues the mechanics brought by the previous two, featuring you controlling Toy Pokémon as they travel through the land, battling other Toy Pokémon. Story-wise, you play as a few toy Pokémon who got lost from the toy store after falling in a river, and you have to make your way through the land, facing many Pokémon in many arenas
Like the previous iteration, Pokémon Scramble U contains all currently available Pokémon, bringing an addition of Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect, allowing for a massive amount of collection

Pokémon Tretta Lab for Nintendo 3DS

Pokémon Tretta Lab for Nintendo 3DS

Pokémon Tretta Lab for Nintendo 3DS is a utility to aid in the cataloguing of Pokémon from the arcade game, Pokémon Tretta. This small utility comes with a base unit to allow for the 3DS to stand, both for Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 3DS XL, as well as a scanner attached to the top of the 3DS. Using this scanner, you can put up to two Tretta pucks in for scanning. The game is a digital title, downloaded through a QR code that comes with the scanner and tray, as well as coming with several pucks.

Pokédex for iOS

Pokédex for iOS

Pokédex for iOS is the counterpart to Pokédex 3D Pro released for Apple devices, iPod Touch, iPad and the iPhone. It contains data on all the Pokémon including moves, stats and showcases them in 3D, much like the 3DS game.
This app starts off with just the Unova Pokémon, but allows you to purchase the other Pokémon for 500 yen each. As such, all the search engines are updated with the other Pokémon, allowing for full interactivity to be discovered.

Dawn 3PIC Description


Dawn (Jp. Name: Hikari)
Hometown: Twinleaf Town, Sinnoh
First Appearence In Episode: Following a Maiden Voyage!
Dawn is an eager girl who has just started on her Pokémon journey. Coming from a family of co-ordinators, her mother winning the Grand Festival, Dawn has her heart set on following in her mother's footsteps and being a great Pokémon Co-ordinator in the Pokémon Super Contests. After befriending Piplup while searching for a Chimchar that escaped from the lab, she quickly met with Ash after finding Pikachu whom was running from Team Rocket. Dawn soon decided to join Ash on his journey through Sinnoh. However, Dawn does seem to be a bit too sure of herself and her strengths as a trainer. After coming in second in the Sinnoh Grand Festival, Dawn left for the Hoenn region to participate in contests there

Magazine Pokemon Fan Vol.32 (Shougakukan)

Magazine Pokemon Fan Vol.32 (Shougakukan)

Pokemon Fan Vol.32 ShougakukanShougakukan publishes magazine Pokemon Fan Vol.32 yesterday.
No special XY info on attached XY game guide (booklet).
Next Vol. 33 will out on 20 November 2013.

Upcoming Pokemon Capsule Toys in Jan (TTA)

Upcoming Pokemon Capsule Toys in Jan (TTA)

Pokemon Netsuke Figure XY 2 TTAHave you read previous article ? Anyhow here is merchandise news.

Takara Tomy ARTS will release the following capsule toys in January 2014.
Will replace the images soon.

[ Pokemon Netsuke Figure XY 2 ]

Pokemon Manga Chapter V

Pokemon Manga Chapter V

Pokemon Adventures 5 - Page 1Pokemon Adventures 5 - Page 2

Aurthors Wanted

Its a request for all

Guys i m unable to post much on my blog so plz if any one wants to its aurthor u r welcomed just coment ur email i d below plzzzzzzzzzz...............................

Gen VI starter I


US Name: Chespin
Jp. NameHarimaron (ハリマロン)
Type: Grass
Classification: Spiny Nut Pokémon
Height: 0.4m
Weight: 9.0kg

Pokémon Rumble Blast / Super Pokémon Rumble

Pokémon Rumble Blast / Super Pokémon Rumble

Pokémon Rumble Blast, also known as Super Pokémon Rumble in Europe, is a sequel to the 2009 WiiWare game, Pokémon Rumble. It's a fully-fledged 3DS game and features you controlling a toy Pokémon through a variety of stages, taking out the Pokémon you encounter as you go through.
This game introduces the Pokémon from Pokémon Black & White into the toy-Pokémon fold and will have you controlling and unlocking them. It has a single player mode, as well as a two player local multiplayer as well as Street Pass capabilities for obtaining Pokémon.
Pokémon Rumble Blast has numerous different Game Modes including the standard gameplay mode where yo go through levels, the Battle Royale mode and the brand new Charge Battle which has you control a massive army of toy Pokémon.

Kalos region

X and Y-kalos region anime
Pocket Monsters - XY
Episode Listings
XY, known in the west as Pokémon The Series: XY, is the new saga within the Pokémon anime series to tie in with the release of the Pokémon X & Y videogames. After his travel through the Decolora Islands, Ash soon learns of a new, region called Kalos and he heads there to continue his dream of being a Pokémon Master, followed once again by Team Rocket who have new orders from Giovanni. It is due to begin in Japan on October 17th 2013.

Bug type move gen V

Bug type move gen V

Attack Order1590100The user calls out its underlings to pummel the target. Critical hits land more easily.
Bug Bite2060100The user bites the target. If the target is holding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect.
Bug Buzz1090100The user vibrates its wings to generate a damaging sound wave. It may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
Defend Order10----The user calls out its underlings to shield its body, raising its Defense and Sp. Def stats.
Fury Cutter202095The target is slashed with scythes or claws. Its power increases if it hits in succession.
Heal Order10----The user calls out its underlings to heal it. The user regains up to half of its max HP.
Leech Life1520100The user drains the target's blood. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.

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