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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Pokémon XY - Episode Title

 Pokémon XY - Episode Title

Pokémon Best Wishes Season 2Be sure to check the last few updates for a new Mega Evolution and new Pokémon If you have any ideas for the site, be sure to send them in
In regards to leaks coming out, we're unable to post due to legal reasons, as seen in 2010 when we received a cease and desist due to the volume of leaks we posted. When we get our game, we'll cover everything with our usual massive level of meticulous detail with some amazing things planned for you. We hope you understand and stick with us through this. 

In The Anime Department

Pokémon XY - Episode Titles
The magazine, Namco Pokémon Club Special, has revealed the next title for the Pokémon XY anime. This episode is due to air on November 7th 2013 and features Ash & Co. arriving at the Santalune City Gym where they meet Viola. This title is listed as temporary however, so may be updated.
Episode 808: Gym Leader Viola Appears!
Until Next Time, See Ya

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