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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Ash- 3PIC Description

Ash Ketchum

Ash Ketchum (Jp. Name: Satoshi)
Hometown: Pallet Town, Kanto
First Appearence In Episode: Pokémon! I Choose You!
Ash has always dreamed of becoming a Pokémon Master and as soon as he hit the age of 10 he rushed to Professor Oak's Laboratory to get his first Pokémon. Originally wanting to choose Squirtle, Ash ended up getting the Pokémon Pikachu and left on his journey. Starting off as a completely unskilled trainer, Ash managed to go through, with the assistance of his friends Misty & Brock and capture new Pokémon and defeat the gyms in Kanto, allowing him to enter in the Pokémon League. Since then he has continued to travel, make new friends and capture new Pokémon while still following his goal of becoming a Pokémon Master. Since this goal is so close to his heart, he sometimes acts a bit rash and rushes to the next battle he can as fast as possible.

During his travels Ash has managed to achieve many things. Below is a list of all the badges and leagues he has won so far in Japan:
BadgesLeague Position
Boulder BadgeCascade BadgeThunder BadgeMarsh BadgeRainbow BadgeSoul BadgeVolcano BadgeEarth BadgeTop 16
Coral Eye BadgeSea Ruby BadgeSpikeShell BadgeJade Star BadgeWinner
Zephyr BadgeInsect BadgePlain BadgeFog BadgeStorm BadgeMineral BadgeGlacier BadgeRising BadgeTop 8
Stone BadgeKnuckle BadgeDynamo BadgeHeat BadgeBalance BadgeFeather BadgeMind BadgeRain BadgeTop 8
Knowledge SymbolGuts SymbolTactics SymbolLuck SymbolSpirit SymbolAbility SymbolBrave SymbolOffer of Becoming Frontier Brain - Declined
Coal BadgeForest BadgeCobble BadgeFen BadgeRelic BadgeMine BadgeIcicle BadgeBeacon BadgeTop 4
Trio BadgeBasic BadgeBeetle BadgeBolt BadgeQuake BadgeJet BadgeFreeze BadgeToxic BadgeTop 8

Pokémon in Rotation on Team
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PikachuPikachu was Ash's Starter Pokémon. It started off disobedient to Ash but soon changed its ways after seeing Ash defend it against a flock of Spearows. Since then Pikachu alone has assisted and been the cause of many of Ash's wins in battle and over time has adopted Ash's mannerisms. Pikachu hates being in its Pokéball so always stays out. It is an incredibly strong Pokémon and has many moves at its disposal including its classic Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Iron Tail and the newly learned Electro Ball
Started with in episode: Pokémon! I Choose You!
Pokémon at Oak's Lab
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CharizardAfter evolving from Charmeleon, Charizard didn't obey any orders that Ash gave and quite often used its Flamethrower attack on Ash. However, after getting frozen in battle, Charizard started to respect Ash as Ash nursed it back to health. Since then it has been a vital powerhouse in Ash's team and has been used in several Gym, League & Frontier battles and has even held its own in battles against Entei and Articuno. It spent a long time in the Charific Valleydoing its training, but recently returned to Ash in Unova.
Evolved from Charmeleon in episode: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon
OshawottOshawott was one of the Pokémon Professor Juniper was giving away. However, after Ash left, Oshawott started following Ash and even defended him against Team Rocket. Professor Juniper gave Ash the Pokéball for Oshawott which Ash used to obtain Oshawott. Oshawott is very affectionate towards Ash and even tries to knock Pikachu off of Ash's shoulder. It has many powerful attacks including Water Gun and Razor Shell allowing it to be a prominent member of Ash's team. Like Chikorita, Oshawott is jealous of Pikachu's bond with Ash and even sometimes pops out of its Pokéball to show its worth.
Obtained in episode: A Sandile Gusher of Change
PigniteAsh's Tepig evolved into Pignite during a battle against Tepig's original trainer, who discarded it due to thinking it wasn't strong enough. During battle against the trainer's Emboar & Heatmor, it evolved to prove its true strengths. After evolving, it keeps many powerful attacks including the powerful Fire Pledge, in addition to Flamethrower and Flame Charge, which allowed it to defeat its previous trainer with ease. After winning the Sumo Tournament on Harvest Island, it has started to wear a Focus Band
Evolved in episode: Evolution by Fire!
SnivyAsh found Snivy when he was in a forest heading towards Nacrene City. Snivy is a female Pokémon and knows the move Attract which it used to stop the opponent Pokémon in their tracks. Ash encountered it after it had taken some of Cilan's food. To stop it, Ash decided he needed to capture it It also has powerful grass attacks such as Vine Whip and Leaf Storm. In addition to that, it has been shown to be very agile and able to evade attacks expertly, will allow for Snivy to become a strong Pokémon in Ash's team
Obtained in episode: Snivy Plays Hard to Catch!
UnfezantDuring his gym battle with Skyla's Swanna, Tranquill got heavily damaged to the point of near collapsing. At this point, it evolved into Unfezant and managed to turn the battle around with its powerful moves Gust, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace and Quick Attack. It has heightened speed and endurance compared to when it was a Tranquill. It defeated Skyla's Swanna and won the gym match for Ash
Evolved in episode: Mistralton Gym! Decisive Aerial Battle VS Skyla!!
ScraggyAfter receiving an egg from the Day Care in Route 3, the egg eventually hatched into Scraggy. However, Scraggy is a bit of a violent Pokémon, attacking Ash, Iris & Cilan's other Pokémon at will. Scraggy is a very angry Pokémon, but unfortunately its attacks, such as Headbutt, are not strong. However, despite this, it is continually trying to improve its Headbutt attack. It has since proven itself in battle with powerful moves such as Focus Blast
Hatched in episode: Scraggy-Hatched to Be Wild
Evolving in battle against some Durant, Leavanny soon showed to be capable of creating leaves like all Leavanny, creating headpieces for all of the gang's Pokémon. In addition to this, it seems to be a decent battler knowing moves such as Razor Leaf. It has been used in various battles including his battle against Roxie and his Unova League matches
Evolved in episode: Battling the Leaf Thieves!
While trying to find some plants to heal the Pokémon, Ash got attacked by a Palpitoad which headed up a gang of Tympole. This Palpitoad is a strong Pokémon with many powerful attacks including Hydro Pump and Supersonic it can hold its own in battle, but fell to Oshawott's Aqua Jet. Ash caught it soon afterwards. It has been used in various battles including his battle against Roxie and his Unova League matches
Captured in episode: Facing Fear With Eyes Wide Open!
Ash's Roggenrola evolved during a long battle against Clay's Excadrill. After holding its own in the battle, it managed to turn the tide and eventually defeat Clay's Excadrill. As with when it was a Roggenrola, it has powerful attacks including Rock Smash and Flash Cannon which help it defeat many of its foes including Clay's Excadrill
Evolved in episode: Battling the King of the Mines!
Ash's Krokorok evolved in battle against Iris's Dragonite after being hit by a barrage of moves. As it evolved, like when it evolved from Sandile, it managed to get larger sunglasses which it always keeps on. It keeps its powerful moves including Dig, Stone Edge, Crunch and the new move Dragon Claw which it used to defeat Iris's Dragonite. It was later used in the Unova League against Stephan's Sawk where it demonstrated the move Aerial Ace, which it used to defeat it.
Evolved in episode: Ash, Iris & Trip's Final Battle!
TorterraTorterra is the Grass type Pokémon of Ash's Team. After being used in a gym battle against Volkner, which got postponed, Ash's Grotle evolved during a battle with Team Rocket. With its new size and strengths, it now knows more powerful moves such as Leaf Storm in addition to the moves Energy Ball, Rock Climb & Synthesis. With these attacks at its disposal, it is sure to be a massive tank in Ash's team
Evolved from Grotle in episode: The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!
InfernapeAfter being knocked to the brink of fainting in a battle against Barry's Empoleon, Monferno went berserk with its Blaze Ability and unleashed its full power against Team Rocket. While protecting the Pokémon, it evolved into Infernape. Infernape has many powerful attacks at its disposal such as Flame Wheel so it's set to be the powerhouse behind Ash's team. It was later used in a battle against Flint's Infernape, but lost due to its lack of experience.
Evolved from Monferno in episode: Fighting Ire With Fire
StaraptorAsh's Staraptor evolved from Staravia during a PokéRinger contest against Paul's Honchkrow. As it has evolved, it is likely to become one of the powerhouses of Ash's team and will still likely be used for long-distance searching. With it's bigger size and strength, as soon as it evolved, it learned the move Close Combat, which will be helpful for many close flying battles.
Evolved from Staravia in episode: Pursuing A Lofty Goal
BuizelOriginally captured by Dawn, Buizel has always been an incredibly strong Pokémon with an aptitude for Pokémon Battles. After Zoey saw how Ash & Dawn had Pokémon that preferred the other's vocations, a trade followed. Now, Buizel is one of Ash's powerhouses with powerful moves such as Aqua Jet at is disposal, it will likely be called upon often for battles.
Traded to by Dawn in episode: Throwing A Track Switch
GliscorDuring its Gligar stage, Gliscor was a fairly weak Pokémon, not knowing many attacks and thus not being very strong, all due to its age. However, evolving by grabbing a Razor Fang while it was falling, it has gained a lot of strength and confidence. Even after evolving though, it still wishes to battle more and still vies for Ash's approval. With powerful attacks such as Steel Wing and X-Scissor, it is sure to become a vital member of Ash's team. During a battle with the Air Battle Master, it learned Giga Impact but decided to stay for training
Evolved from Gligar in episode: Fighting Fear With Fear
GibleAsh first encountered his Gible when he met Old Lady Tatsu, a woman who teaches Dragon Pokémon the special move Draco Meteor. Ash assisted Gible in the learning of the move and Gible decided to follow Ash. It also has the habit of biting on to heads. Later on, Ash noticed Gible followed him and eventually captured it. It has many powerful attacks such as Draco Meteor, Dig and Dragon Pulse and is sure to be a powerhouse of Ash's team
Captures in episode: Gotta Get a Gible!
QuilavaWhile training for the Sinnoh League, Ash brought his Cyndaquil with many of his other Pokémon. However, Team Rocket tried to cause problems and Cyndaquil evolved in order to stop them. Quilava has numerous powerful attacks such as Flame Wheel at its disposal, showing that it has completely overcome its previous hinderences in its base form and is sure to be a powerful Pokémon within Ash's team.
Evolved from Cyndaquil in episode: An Old Family Blend
SceptileAfter evolving from Grovyle to defend it's love interest, it lost all ability to use attacks. Eventually regaining the ability to use the attacks, Sceptile became a vital powerhouse in Ash's team which can hold its own against legendaries including Deoxys and Regirock. Despite being Ash's massive powerhouse, Ash decided to leave Sceptile at Oak's Lab while he traveled to Sinnoh
Evolved from Grovyle in episode: Odd Pokémon Out
DonphanAfter rejoining Ash's team as a Phanpy, it evolved to help free Pikachu from Team Rocket. However even after the evolution it kept its playful personality from being a Phanpy which sometimes can cause mayhem with other younger Pokémon. Since evolving it has become a powerhouse in Ash's team winning several Frontier Battles. It now resides back in Oak's Lab during Ash's journey to Sinnoh
Evolved from Phanpy in episode: Reversing The Charges
SwellowAfter evolving during a PokéRinger Contest, Swellow has partaken in many of Ash's battles in Gyms and Leagues and has got a good amount of wins under its wing. Swellow was left at Oak's Lab when Ash left for his journey to Sinnoh.
Evolved from Taillow in episode: That's Just Swellow
CorphishCorphish was captured while terrorising Dewford Island and its inhabitants. However once caught Corphish managed to tame it's terrorising attitude and become a vitally used member of Ash's team. However whenever one of Ash's Pokémon evolves or gets a bit more attention, Corphish does get the tendency to get a bit jealous. After its tenure with Ash through Hoenn and the Battle Frontier, Corphish was left at Oak's Lab.
Captured in episode: Gone Corphishin'
GlalieGlalie was newly evolved when Ash entered the Hoenn League. Convinced of its power Ash used it in a number of battles where it managed to hold its own successfully. After the league was over he decided to give it a break at Oak's Laboratory.
Evolved from Snorunt in episode: Rhapsody In Drew
TorkoalTorkoal was found under attack by a bunch of Steel Pokémon in the valley. When Ash arrived to rescue it, it ran off but eventually followed Ash's instructions and defeated the Steel Pokémon. It is an emotional Pokémon which has been known to burst into tears when happy. Torkoal hasn't been in many gym battles but is used in standard battles on many occassions and proves it's strength in those battles. After the Hoenn League, Ash decided to give it some time off at Oak's Laboratory.
Captured in episode: All Torkoal, No Play!
BulbasaurBulbasaur was the third Pokémon Ash caught. It had been protecting a village of Pokémon that were recovering from illnesses. Since then it became a vital part of Ash's team and won many gym and league battles for Ash. Bulbasaur has been given the choice to evolve but decided to stay at its base form. Long into his journey with Ash, Bulbasaur was called upon to stop fueds between the Pokémon in Oak's Lab and has continued to do so. It also appears to have a budding romance with May's Bulbasaur.
Caught in episode: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
BayleefAfter evolving from Chikorita, Bayleef kept it's longing feelings for Ash which did end up getting it in trouble on several occassions. However after getting used to its size, it managed to become a vital part of Ash's team and helped win many Gym & League battles. Ash left it at Oak's when he decided to make a fresh start when he left for Hoenn
Evolved from Chikorita in episode: Current Events
TotodileTotodile was captured by Ash using his Lure Ball. Since Misty also wanted it, they decided to battle in order to determine who's it was. Ash won. Totodile has a quirky personality and really likes to dance. It has even been known to use this dancing tactic to help win battles. Ash left it at Oak's when he decided to make a fresh start when he left for Hoenn
Caught in episode: The Totodile Duel
NoctowlNoctowl is an incredibly rare Pokémon of Ash. It is a 'Shiny' Pokémon which glitters as it comes out of its Pokéball into battle. Due to its psychic abilities, it has been used many times to find & battle Ghost Pokémon aswell as the usual flying requirements that Ash utilises. Ash left it at Oak's when he decided to make a fresh start when he left for Hoenn
Caught in episode: Fowl Play
HeracrossHeracross was the first Pokémon that Ash captured in Johto. It loves tree sap and has been known to suck the pollen out of Bulbasaur's bulb on several occassions. It is a powerful Pokémon of Ash's and has been used in several Gym, League & Frontier battles.
Caught in episode: A Sappy Ending
SnorlaxCaptured in the Orange Island swhen stealing all the fruit from a small Island range, Snorlax has become a major powerhouse of Ash's, when it is awake that is. Due to its massive feeding requirements, Ash felt it better to stay at Professor Oak's, however it is still used for a number of Gym, League & Frontier battles.
Caught in episode: Snack Attack
KinglerEvolving in its first ever battle in the Indigo League, Kingler is a good strong Pokémon that Ash has fallen back on in both the Indigo and Johto leagues. However it has not seen much experience outside of those leagues.
Evolved from Krabby in episode: Round One, Begin!
MukCaptured after taking over a Power Plant, Muk was immediately sent to Professor Oak's Laboratory. While being there it grew incredibly affectionate and is known to hug Professor Oak on many occassions. However, past this affectionate yet slimey exterior, Muk has been used in several League battles and manages to hold its ground.
Caught in episode: Sparks Fly For Magnemite
Tauros (30)When he was in the Safari Zone, Ash managed to capture 30 Tauros, all of which reside at Oak's Laboratory. However Ash has used one of the Tauros on several occassions in Leagues and Frontier battles
Caught in episode: The Legend Of Dratini
Pokémon That Can Be Called Upon
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SquirtleWhen Squirtle was captured, it was part of the Squirtle Squad, a terrorising group of Squirtles that were causing havoc around Vermillion City. However after gaining respect for Ash, it joined his team and has since become an incredibly compotent battler. It has won many Gym & League matches but has since returned to the Squirtle Squad to lead after the team started falling apart
Caught in episode: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
Pokémon That He Used To Have

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Ash first met Krokorok when it was a Sandile as he entered as Unova where it was leading a group of Sandile who were trying to warn people at a spa resort of a geyser. As Ash managed to help the Sandile and the wild Pokémon from danger, Sandile started following Ash. It later appeared to challenge Pikachu, who it sees as its rival on multiple occassions. It evolved during a battle with Pikachu where it lost. It returned much later where it appeared to challenge Pikachu again, but ended up aiding in a double battle with Pikachu against Seismitoad and Scolipede which it won. It accepted Ash's offer to join him after it lost in battle against Pikachu. It has some powerful attacks at its disposal including Dig, Bite and Stone Edge. Krokorok is also very fond of its sunglasses to the point of it stopping battling if its sunglasses get knocked off. It evolved in battle against Iris' Dragonite
Captured in episode: Battling the Bully!
Evolve in episode: Ash, Iris & Trip's Final Battle!
TepigAsh found Tepig when he was at the Battle Club in Karakusa Town when he saw it escape from the Battle Club's warehouse. When he found it, he saw its mouth had been tied by its past trainer who left it at the Battle Club after it lost to a Deerling, making it unable to eat and so Ash helped free it and created a bond with it. It has powerful fire attacks such as Ember, Flamethrower and Flame Charge and is bound to be a prime member of Ash's Unova team. After numerous wins, it eventually evolved during a battle against its past trainer and his Emboar & Heatmor
Obtained in episode: The Battle Club & Tepig's Choice
Evolved in episode: Evolution by Fire!
Having evolved in battle against Burgh's Whirlipede, Swadloon became a prime member of Ash's team. It has many powerful moves including Razor Leaf and its incredibly agile String Shot and the brand new move Energy Ball which helped it take out Burgh's Whirlipede in the battle. However, it quickly lost to Burgh's Leavanny. It was seldom used but eventuall evolved in battle against some Durant
Evolved in episode: Battling For The Love of Bug-Types! Evolved in episode: Battling the Leaf Thieves!!
TranquillDuring the removal of the Venipede in Castelia City, Pidove evolved after seeing the strength of Trip's Tranquill. It has powerful Gust, Quick Attack and Air Cutter attacks which will make it a massive powerhouse of Ash's team. It wasn't used much in battle while a Tranquill but eventually evolved during the Mistralton City Gym battle.
Evolved in episode: A Venipede Stampede!
Evolve in episode: Mistralton Gym! Decisive Aerial Battle VS Skyla!!
Ash met Roggenrola when it immediately came and landed on Ash & Co.s table after leaving a cave being distrupted by Team Rocket. It came, asking for assistance. During this, it developed a bond with Ash and it challenged Ash to a battle afterwards. It has several powerful attacks including Sandstorm, stone Edge and Flash Cannon. It eventually evolved during Ash's gym battle with Clay
Captured in episode: Gotta Catch A Roggenrola
Evolve in episode: Battling the King of the Mines!
SewaddleAsh first saw Sewaddle when it randomly came and attacked in Pinwheel Forest. Challenging it, Ash was eager to capture. However, he soon learned that Sewaddle could bond with everyone else but instead has a slight dislike of him but that dislike disappeared after Ash helped defend it from Woobat. It has several powerful attacks including Razor Leaf and Tackle as well as a decent String Shot attack. It evolved in battle against Burgh's Dwebble
Captured in episode: Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest
Evolved in episode: Battling For The Love of Bug-Types!
PidovePidove is the first Pokémon that Ash captured within the Unova region. Having battled it with Pikachu, it knows the moves Gust and Quick Attack. However, it ended up falling in battle against Jessie's Woobat. It has rarely been used in battle but has shown great strength against Pokémon such as Snivy and Trip's Frillish. It evolved while trying to remove all the Venipede in Castelia City
Captured in episode: Enter Iris & Axew
Evolved in episode: A Venipede Stampede!
CyndaquilAsh was searching for a Cyndaquil for a while and ended up catching it in competition with another trainer. However at the start, Cyndaquil had trouble honeing and controlling its Fire abilities due to its shyness. Through training, Ash managed to help Cyndaquil overcome this problem and since it has been a vital Pokémon in several of Ash's gym battles. Ash left it at Oak's when he decided to make a fresh start when he left for Hoenn. Cyndaquil returned when Ash was deciding his Pokémon for the Sinnoh League, and evolved into Quilava during battle with Team Rocket
Caught in episode: Good 'Quil Hunting
Evolved from Cyndaquil in episode: An Old Family Blend
GrotleGrotle is the Grass type Pokémon of Ash's Team. Evolving from Turtwig during a battle with Paul's Honchkrow, Grotle's strengths have been enhanced. With powerful attacks including Energy Ball, it is sure to continue being a powerhouse of Ash's team. However, due to its evolution, its agility has been reduced considerably causing it to fumble in battle. However, it eventually learned to use its new abilities to its advantage and learned super quick moves such as Rock Climb to help it overcome its foes. It eventually evolved during a battle against Team Rocket
Evolved from Turtwig in episode: Aiding the Enemy! Evolved into Torterra in episode: The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!
MonfernoAfter some time of true training as part of Ash's team with many victories under its belt, Ash used Chimchar in battle against its former master and evolved during the battle. Since it evolved, it has more fighting attacks at its disposal including Mach Punch. In addition to its fire moves such as Flamethrower, Monferno is a vital part of Ash's team. It later evolved into Infernape when defending Ash & Co. from Team Rocket and preventing one of their mechas from falling onto Paul's Electabuzz
Evolved from Chimchar in episode: Evolving Strategies
Evolved into Infernape in episode: Fighting Ire With Fire
ChimcharChimchar is a Pokémon who was originally on Paul's team. After Paul's harsh training scheme, Chimchar failed to fit Paul's idea of its potential and so Paul released it. However, Ash, kindly offered to Chimchar to join his team which Chimchar eventually accepts. Despite not living up to Paul's idea of power, Chimchar has a lot of strength behind it and can hold its own in battle with powerful attacks such as Flamethrower and Fire Spin. While beginning to fit into Ash's team, Chimchar is shocked at how calm and peaceful the group is, and as such needs time to recover from Paul's harsh training. After becoming a massive part of Ash's team, it evolved in battle against its former master
Obtained in episode: Smells Like Team Spirit
Evolved into Monferno in episode: Evolving Strategies
StaraviaAfter evolving from Starly during a battle with Team Rocket, Staravia has started to shine more, showing its Flying Prowess more often with more brute strength. Having gained this power, Staravia has become a vital member of Ash's Team and relied upon to help search when searches are required. It eventually evolved into Staraptor during a PokéRinger contest
Evolved from Starly in episode: A Staravia Is Born Evolved into Staraptor in episode: Pursuing A Lofty Goal
TurtwigTurtwig is a powerful Pokémon that Ash met. While out in the wild, it helped many Pokémon that had disputes and calmed them down, sometimes with force, and then helped them solve their issues. After meeting Ash and protecting Pikachu from Team Rocket, Turtwig gained a friendship with Ash and allowed Ash to battle it in order for it to join Ash's team. It has some powerful attacks including Razor Leaf and is likely to be a vital part of Ash's team. It ended up evolving into Grotle in battle against Paul's Honchkrow
Captured in episode: Gettin' Twiggy With It!
Evolved into Grotle in episode: Aiding the Enemy!
GligarGligar was part of a flock of Gligar lead by a Gliscor that was causing some issues in a town. This Gligar however is fairly slow in eating and ends up last compared to the other Gligar. It's an eccentric Pokémon that is known to Wink alot. After Paul captured its leader and the flock disbanded, the Gligar decided to join Ash and Ash subsequently captured it
Captured in episode: Riding The Winds Of Change!
Evolved into Gliscor in episode: Fighting Fear With Fear
AipomOriginally meeting Ash in a mountain where it worshipped a Giant Slaking, Aipom stole Ash's hat. However after Ash found Aipom, they quickly befriended. Ash originally was going to give the hat to Aipom but it gave it back. For a short time Aipom followed Ash and turned up at the Grand Festival, again stealing Ash's hat. Near to the finals of the Grand Festival, Ash decided to battle Aipom and finally caught it. Apart from it's battling strengths, Aipom has shown a great aptitude for Contests and as such, was eventually traded to Dawn for her Contests
Captured in episode: Channeling the Battle Zone Traded to Dawn in episode: Throwing A Track Switch
StarlyWhile searching for Pikachu, Aipom accidentally injures a wild Starly. Angry from this, Starly attacked Aipom. Making quick work of it, Ash decided to capture Starly. After this, Starly was instrumental in helping find Pikachu. However, Starly does not have much battling expertise and lost its first battle, against another Starly. It evolved into Staravia during a battle with Team Rocket
Captured in episode: Two Degrees of Seperation!
Evolved into Staravia in episode: A Staravia Is Born
GrovyleAfter evolving from Treecko, Grovyle became a little bit stubborn and really enjoyed challenges in battling. Grovyle liked to sit alone but still managed to hold its own in battle. During its tenure on Ash's team, it won many Gym & League matches. It ended up evolving into Sceptile to defend a Meganium that it had romantic feelings for
Evolved from Treecko in episode: Exploud and Clear!
Evolved into Sceptile in episode: Odd Pokémon Out
PhanpyPhanpy hatched from an Egg that Ash won in a Pokémon Riding contest. Since it was newly hatched it had all the characteristics of a child; being playful and joyful. However beyond this happy go-lucky personality, Phanpy managed to pack quite a punch and held its own in the Johto League. It was left at Oak's when Ash decided to go to Hoenn but re-joined Ash's team when Ash returned and subsequently evolved into Donphan soon after.
Hatched from Egg in episode: Hatching A Plan
Evolved into Donphan in episode: Reversing The Charges
SnoruntSnorunt originally met Ash through running off and stealing his Badge Case and Hat. After it's antics caused Ash to be in a life-threatening situation, it changed its ways and Ash managed to capture it. Snorunt wasn't used in battles much but Ash continually trained it on how to use Ice Beam, and once that was done, Snorunt evolved into Glalie
Captured in episode: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt!
Evolved into Glalie in episode: Rhapsody In Drew
TaillowTaillow first met Ash when it stole some chocolate of Ash & Co. in Petalburg Woods. Ash decided to try and get it back but the Taillow wound up bieng the leader of a flock which then attacked Ash. However after the intervention of Team Rocket, Taillow agreed to battle Ash and Ash managed to capture it. It was used in several gym battles and contests including the Pokéringer Contest where it evolved into Swellow
Captured in episode: You Can Never Taillow!
Evolved into Swellow in episode: That's Just Swellow
TreeckoTreecko was a member of a group of Treecko that lived on a Giant Tree. Team Rocket wanted to utilise that tree and attacked. Ash defended the tree so Treecko agreed to battle and got captured. Treecko acted like a bit of a rebel, always having a twig in its mouth and had a number of Gym Battle wins under its belts. It eventually evolved in the middle of a tough battle against a Loudred
Captured in episode: Tree's A Crowd!
Evolved into Grovyle in episode: Exploud and Clear!
LarvitarWhile not Ash's persay, Larvitar was in an egg that Ash was given to take to Professor Elm, however in transit of the Egg it hatched into Larvitar. Like any Pokémon just hatched it had the personality of a child, but a tortured child through memories of what happened to its mother. It froze up whenever anyone other than Ash spoke to it or held it, which it eventually managed to get over. Not long after meeting, Ash managed to return it to its mother and stopped the Poachers from ever disturbing them again
Hatched from Egg and given by Elm in episode: Hatch Me If You Can!
Given back to Larvitar's Mother in episode: Mother Of All Battles!
ChikoritaChikorita was originally battled by Ash and severely injured by accident. After taking it to the Pokémon Center it was kidnapped by Team Rocket but then found by Ash who managed to befriend it. Ash ended up capturing it and it started getting deep feelings for Ash and even got jealous of Pikachu who was always out of it's Pokéball with Ash. It eventually evolved into Bayleef to get out of a trap set by Team Rocket
Caught in episode: The Chikorita Rescue
Evolved into Bayleef in episode: Current Events
BeedrillAsh captured Beedrill while in the Bug Catching Contest just a bit shy from Goldenrod City in Johto. His capture of Beedrill made him win the contest. After the contest he decided to give the Beedrill to Casey as she loves Pokémon with Yellow and Black Stripes
Caught in episode: The Bug Stops Here
Given to Casey in episode: The Bug Stops Here
LaprasLapras was the first Pokémon that Ash captured in the Orange Islands. Originally it was found washed up on a beach but Ash & Co. managed to help nurse it back to health until it was kidnapped by Team Rocket. Ash managed to free it and captured it until they could find Lapras' family. Lapras was primarily used as the gang's transport throughout the Orange Islands but it was also used in several of the Gym battles and the final League match. Ash eventually let it go to be with it's family, but saw it again when in Johto and helped it defend a lab and the other Lapras from Team Rocket
'Adopted' in episode: The Lost Lapras
Returned to its family in episode: Viva Las Lapras
PidgeotAfter Pidgeot evolved, it went into battle against a flock of Spearow & Fearow that were terrorising Pidgey & Pidgeotto in Viridian Forest. After the battle was done, Ash decided to leave it in the forest to lead the flock, but left with the promise that he would someday return for it
Evolved from Pidgeotto in episode: Pallet Party Panic
Left In Viridian Forest in episode: Pallet Party Panic
PidgeottoPidgeotto was Ash's second ever Pokémon captured. It was always used to search for missing Pokémon or people and was used a fair bit in Gym & League battles throughout Kanto. It ended up evolving in order to defend a flock of Pidgey & Pidgeotto in Viridian Forest
Caught in episode: Ash Catches a Pokémon!
Evolves into Pidgeot in episode: Pallet Party Panic
CharmeleonAfter Charmeleon evolved, it started to be a little less obedient to Ash than normal and essentially did what it wanted and went too far in battle. However when Ash fell into a pit of Fossil Pokémon, Charmeleon ended up evolving into Charizard to battle Aerodactyl
Evolved from Charmander in episode: March of the Exeggutor Squad
Evolved into Charizard in episode: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon
CharmanderCharmander was a neglected Pokémon owned by another trainer who just left it out to fend for itself in the rain. Ash however managed to save it and nursed it back to health. It eventually left it's old trainer and joined Ash on his quest. It had a few gym battles under its belt but eventually evolved after battling a few dozen Exeggutors simultaneously
'Adopted' in episode: Charmander! The Stray Pokémon
Evolves Into Charmeleon in episode: March of the Exeggutor Squad
KrabbyKrabby was caught on the beach after Ash was teased about not actually capturing the Pokémon that he has on him. Right after he captured it, it went straight to Professor Oak's Laboratory Caught in episode: Mystery of the Lighthouse
Evolves into Kingler in episode: Round One! Begin
PrimeapeAsh first met Primeape after it, as a Mankey, stole his hat. Determined to get his hat back, Ash chased Primeape and battled with it ending with a capture. Primeape was a Pokémon that went beserk easily and originally didnt follow Ash's commands. However after Ash saved it from a fall in a fighting contest, it gained respect for Ash. After the contest, Ash decided to leave it with a trainer for more training so it could become a P1 Champion
Caught in episode: Primeape Goes Bananas
Given away in episode: The Punchy Pokémon
HaunterAsh met Haunter in the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town. It, with several other ghost Pokémon played with Ash after he had been trapped under a chandelier. However after Ash returned to his body, Haunter agreed to join Ash's team to battle Sabrina's Psychic Pokémon. Once it got to Saffron City, it disappeared but eventually returned to battle. However it was much more interested in joking about and imobolised Sabrina's Kadabra and thus Ash decided to leave Haunter with Sabrina
'Caught' in episode: The Tower of Terror
Given to in episode: Haunter Vs. Kadabra
ButterfreeAfter evolving from Metapod, Butterfree managed to defend Ash from a swarm of Beedrill. From this it managed to gain some power and became a vital part of Ash's team during it's tenure. It eventually left to start a family with a female Pink Butterfree
Evolved from Metapod in episode: Challenge of the Samauri
Released to Breed in episode: Bye Bye Butterfree
RaticateRaticate was only with Ash briefly. At a convention aboard the St. Anne, Ash decided to trade his Butterfree for a Raticate. However not long after he made this decision he regretted it and asked the trainer if he would trade it back, to which he agreed
Obtained in Trade with Gentlemen in episode: Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Traded Back in episode: Battle Aboard the St. Anne
MetapodMetapod was only with Ash for a short amount of time after its evolution from Caterpie. It was used in a battle where it was eventually injured, but not long after that it evolved into Butterfree
Evolved from Caterpie in episode: Ash Catches a Pokémon
Evolves into Butterfree in episode: Challenge of the Samauri
CaterpieCaterpie was Ash's first capture. Caterpie was a happy Pokémon who liked Misty, who in turn didn't like him because he was a bug, and had a long held desire to become a Butterfree, a desire that he wasn't convinced he could do. After Team Rocket attacked, it managed to defeat their Pokémon and evolved into a Metapod, the first step on it's journey to his dream state.
Caught in episode: Ash Catches a Pokémon
Evolves into Metapod in episode: Ash Catches a Pokémon

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