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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Pokémon Colosseum not much played but greatest game

Pokémon Colosseum

Colosseum EN boxart.png
In the game,the player character Wes was part of an organization called Team Snagem and they obtained a machine which allowed someone to snag another's Pokémon as if it were wild. Another team, Cipher, was responsible for corrupting the hearts of Pokémon and giving them to Trainers. With the help of a young girl named Rui, Wes was able to find the Pokémon whose hearts were sealed and surrounded by a purple aura and use the Snag Machine to rescue Shadow Pokémon and restore them to normal.Pokémon Colosseum (Japanese: ポケモンコロシアム Pokémon Colosseum) was released on November 21, 2003 in Japan, March 22, 2004 in North America and May 14, 2004 in Europe on the Nintendo GameCube. The game followed the basic stadium style battling found in the Pokémon Stadium games but an extra was included in the form of an RPG which allowed Trainers to catch Generation II andGeneration III Pokémon in the desolate region of Orre.


The game starts with an opening scene depicting the player stealing some sort of equipment from the strongly guarded headquarters of Team Snagem, and then proceeding to flee with an Espeon and Umbreon as the base explodes. After riding on a strange one-wheeled motorcycle for a while, the player stops at the dilapidated gas station of Outskirt Stand. The player battles Rider Willie, who tells the player about Phenac City after he is defeated.
Upon reaching the new location, a pair of shady people are just leaving the city with a noisy, wriggling sack in tow. Once they see that they've been caught, one of the goons, Folly, starts a battle with the player. After defeat, both people get away, leaving the sack unattended. A girl emerges from the bag after some trouble undoing the knot, and claim to have seen the kidnappers use some kind of strange looking Pokémon. The girl becomes the player's partner and both go to find the Mayor to clear things up. A strange man bumps into the player as he leaves the Mayor's office, predicting that he will see the player again sometime in the future. The player and partner then enter the house as the girl proceeds to alert the Mayor of weird Pokémon that have a dark aura and attack humans. The Mayor assures the team that he will look into this case, and suggests going to the city's Stadium. At the doorway of the Stadium, some Snagem members recognize the player as the traitor who blew up their base. A battle with one of them ensues, and upon defeat, the girl tells the player that she doesn't care about the past, but she does encourage buying some Poké Balls for future use. After this scene, the girl becomes the player's permanent partner, and will follow the player throughout the length of the game.
Then, after purchasing some Poké Balls at Outskirt Stand, the player returns to Phenac City, only to find it taken over by some thugs. The player tries to rescue the Mayor, but finding the decked-out Miror B. and his mischievous friends in his wake. The player's partner identifies the first Shadow Pokémon available for capture after entering a battle with Miror B.'s underlings, Folly andTrudly. After beating both in a battle, and/or capturing the Shadow Pokémon, the player tries to leave the city for Pyrite Town, but is waylaid by brightly clad goons at each exit. Each has a Shadow Pokémon, but upon defeat of one will cue the others to leave.
From this point, the player and partner will journey all across the Orre region, battling Trainers, snagging Shadow Pokémon, and uncovering the disastrous plan of the secret organization, Cipher. This shady group and its ambitious admins are the creators of Shadow Pokémon, closing their hearts to strengthen their stats. The player eventually learns how to reverse the effects of this process, and must capture all of Cipher's Shadow Pokémon to thwart the evil mastermind behind it all. After defeating Miror B inPyrite CaveDakim in Mt. BattleVenus in The Under and Ein in the Shadow Pokémon Lab, the player goes to Realgam Tower; after defeating the Admins again, Gonzap comes out and reveals that Cipher gave Team Snagem the Snag Machines; and that Snagem gave the Pokémon to Cipher, who created Shadow Pokémon; meaning that this was all one master plan hatched by Cipher. After defeating Snagem, Nascour—the boss of Cipher—is defeated by the player. Afterwards, it is revealed that Phenac City's mayor Es Cade is actually Evice, the true boss of Cipher. After he is defeated he tries to escape; however, fortunately, a Ho-Oh uses Sacred Fire to stop him, saving the day.
Even with the true leader under arrest, there is still a post-ending to be completed. Secc, from the Kids Grid, emails the player information about some interesting characters who end up telling the player about some points of interest. Eventually, the Snagem Hideout becomes available for exploration, the Shadow Pokémon Laboratory gets some Cipher refugees to battle, and a hidden Stadium in the Under is brought to the player's attention. Lastly, after all the Shadow Pokémon are snagged, the player will be notified of a Trainer that is attacking people with another Shadow Pokémon, who supposedly looks just like the player. After the copy's defeat, there are still Colosseum battles to be won and a Ho-Oh to be obtained in Battle Mode.


Story Mode: Gotta Save 'em All!
In the new Orre region, a sinister organization is capturing Pokémon and misusing them. It's up to you to restore balance. Seek out all the Shadow Pokémon, snag them, and restore their spirit.
Unleash your Pokémon from Story Mode or send in your team from Pokémon Ruby or Pokémon Sapphire! Let them show off their true power in Single, Double, and Multi Battles!
Battle Mode: Worlds Collide!



196196EspeonPsychicLevel 25
197197UmbreonDarkLevel 26


Shadow Pokémon
153153BayleefGrassLevel 30*
156156QuilavaFireLevel 30*
159159CroconawWaterLevel 30*
162162FurretNormalLevel 33
164164NoctowlNormalFlyingLevel 30
166166LedianBugFlyingLevel 43
168168AriadosBugPoisonLevel 43
176176TogeticNormalFlyingLevel 20
180180FlaaffyElectricLevel 30
185185SudowoodoRockLevel 35
188188SkiploomGrassFlyingLevel 30
190190AipomNormalLevel 43
192192SunfloraGrassLevel 45
193193YanmaBugFlyingLevel 33
195195QuagsireWaterGroundLevel 30
198198MurkrowDarkFlyingLevel 43
200200MisdreavusGhostLevel 30
205205ForretressBugSteelLevel 43
206206DunsparceNormalLevel 33
207207GligarGroundFlyingLevel 43
210210GranbullNormalLevel 43
211211QwilfishWaterPoisonLevel 33
213213ShuckleBugRockLevel 45
214214HeracrossBugFightingLevel 45
215215SneaselDarkIceLevel 43
217217UrsaringNormalLevel 45
218218SlugmaFireLevel 30
221221PiloswineIceGroundLevel 43
223223RemoraidWaterLevel 20
225225DelibirdIceFlyingLevel 45
226226MantineWaterFlyingLevel 33
227227SkarmorySteelFlyingLevel 47
229229HoundoomDarkFireLevel 48
234234StantlerNormalLevel 43
235235SmeargleNormalLevel 45
237237HitmontopFightingLevel 38
241241MiltankNormalLevel 48
243243RaikouElectricLevel 40
244244EnteiFireLevel 40
245245SuicuneWaterLevel 40
248248TyranitarRockDarkLevel 55
296296MakuhitaFightingLevel 30
307307MedititeFightingPsychicLevel 33
329329VibravaGroundDragonLevel 43
333333SwabluNormalFlyingLevel 33
357357TropiusGrassFlyingLevel 49
359359AbsolDarkLevel 48
376376MetagrossSteelPsychicLevel 50
In Phenac City, the player is given a choice between Bayleef, Quilava, or Croconaw. The other two will be available later in the game, after the credits roll. The Pokémon whose type is weak to the chosen Pokémon's type will be at the Snagem Hideout and the Pokémon whose type weakens the chosen Pokémon's type will be at the Shadow Pokémon Laboratory.


  • Plusle is given to Wes by Duking after Wes saves it from Cipher. He asks Wes to protect it from harm and to make it stronger.


Ho-Oh is obtainable in Pokémon Colosseum when all of the 48 Shadow Pokémon have been snagged and purified. Players would then have to use a team of Pokémon from the RPG to clear Mt. Battle in Battle Mode from zones one to 100.
RegionOTID no.
ItalianMONTE L

Pokémon InfoTrainer MemoBattle MovesRibbons
Poké Ball HO-OHDex No.250Random nature.NormalRecoverNone
Lv70TypeMet in a fateful encounter whenFireFire Blast
Spr 3r 250.pngFireFlyingat Lv 70.FireSunny Day
OTMATTLE NormalSwift
ID No.10048There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in all regions.
None NonePressure
Can be obtained with:RSFRLGE
Obtained from:ColoXDBoxChnDistribution

Pokémon obtainable by other means

Ageto Celebi

This Celebi was only obtainable from the Japanese bonus disc.
Pokémon InfoTrainer MemoBattle MovesRibbons
Poké Ball セレビィDex No.251Random nature.PsychicConfusionNone
Lv10TypeMet in a fateful encounter whenNormalRecover
Spr 3r 251.pngPsychicGrassat Lv 10.NormalHeal Bell
OTアゲト NormalSafeguard
ID No.31121There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in Japan.
None NoneNatural Cure
Can be obtained with:RSFRLGE
Obtained from:ColoXDBoxChnDistribution

Colosseum Pikachu

This Pikachu was only obtainable from the Japanese bonus disc.
Pokémon InfoTrainer MemoBattle MovesRibbons
Poké Ball ピカチュウ/Dex No.025Random nature.ElectricThunderShockNone
Lv10TypeMet in a fateful encounter whenNormalGrowl
Spr 3r 025.pngElectricat Lv 10.NormalTail Whip
OTコロシアム ElectricThunder Wave
ID No.31121There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in Japan.
None NoneStatic
Can be obtained with:RSFRLGE
Obtained from:ColoXDBoxChnDistribution

Wishmaker Jirachi

Transferred directly to Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire from American Bonus Disc.
Pokémon InfoTrainer MemoBattle MovesRibbons
Poké Ball JIRACHIDex No.385Random nature.NormalWishNone
Lv5TypeMet in a fateful encounter whenPsychicConfusion
Spr 3r 385.pngSteelPsychicat Lv 5.PsychicRest
ID No.20043There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in the United States.
Salac Berry Salac Berry or
Ganlon Berry Ganlon Berry
Serene Grace
This Pokémon can be Shiny.
Can be obtained with:RSFRLGE
Obtained from:ColoXDBoxChnDistribution

Japanese e-card

Pokémon InfoTrainer MemoBattle MovesRibbons
Poké Ball トゲピーDex No.175Random nature.NormalMetronomeNational Ribbon
Lv20TypeMet in a fateful encounter whenNormalCharm
Spr 3r 175.pngNormalat Lv 20.NormalSweet Kiss
OT(Purifier) NormalYawn
ID No.(Purifier)There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in Japan.
None NoneSerene Grace
Can be obtained with:RSFRLGE
Obtained from:ColoXDBoxChnDistribution
Pokémon InfoTrainer MemoBattle MovesRibbons
Poké Ball メリープDex No.179Random nature.ElectricThunderNational Ribbon
Lv37TypeMet in a fateful encounter whenElectricThunderShock
Spr 3r 179.pngElectricat Lv 37.ElectricThunder Wave
OT(Purifier) GrassCotton Spore
ID No.(Purifier)There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in Japan.
None NoneStatic
Can be obtained with:RSFRLGE
Obtained from:ColoXDBoxChnDistribution
Pokémon InfoTrainer MemoBattle MovesRibbons
Poké Ball ハッサムDex No.212Random nature.BugFury CutterNational Ribbon
Lv50TypeMet in a fateful encounter whenSteelMetal Claw
Spr 3r 212.pngBugSteelat Lv 50.NormalSwords Dance
OT(Purifier) NormalSlash
ID No.(Purifier)There is no limit to this Pokémon's availability.
It may be obtained on any date, beginning from
when it was released.
It was available in Japan.
None NoneSwarm
Can be obtained with:RSFRLGE
Obtained from:ColoXDBoxChnDistribution

Purification techniques

Main article: Purification
Pokémon in the game can be purified in a variety of ways.
  • Walking around with Shadow Pokémon in the party.
  • Rubbing scents on the Pokémon (these can be bought at Agate Village).
  • Battling with them and calling out when the Pokémon reaches its Hyper Mode.
  • Placing a Shadow Pokémon in the Pokémon Day Care in Agate Village.
Once the Heart Gauge reaches the point where it says "The Pokémon's heart is about to open! Undo the final lock!", Trainers would go to the Agate Village shrine and use its power to restore the Pokémon's heart and remove the move known as Shadow Rush. Once the Pokémon has been purified, it will gain all experience it earned during the time it was a Shadow Pokémon, and acquire a special Ribbon exclusive to Purified Pokémon.
After players have beaten the game, Pokémon can be traded to all Generation III games provided that their hearts are open (and certain objectives have been completed in FireRed and LeafGreen, if they are being traded to). Note that trading Pokémon to Ruby and Sapphire will not unlock the National Pokédex.


The other half of the game consists of several Colosseum venues that Trainers could send Pokémon from the RPG or the Game Boy Advance games to battle.


While competing in the Mt. Battle 100 Trainer challenge in either the RPG or the Colosseum section of the game, players can receive Poké Coupons which can be used to buy items. Additionally, players have the option of storing Poké Coupons on aPokémon Ruby or Sapphire game pak for later use. Here is the list of what players can receive after collecting a set amount of Poké Coupons.
Poké Coupon shop
TM PsychicTM29 (Psychic)
TM IceTM13 (Ice Beam)
TM ElectricTM24 (Thunderbolt)
TM FireTM35 (Flamethrower)
TM NormalTM32 (Double Team)
Ganlon BerryGanlon Berry
Salac BerrySalac Berry
Petaya BerryPetaya Berry
Apicot BerryApicot Berry
Mental HerbMental Herb
Focus BandFocus Band
White HerbWhite Herb
Quick ClawQuick Claw
King's RockKing's Rock
Scope LensScope Lens
Choice BandChoice Band


Main article: List of glitches in Generation III


Pokémon Colosseum is compatible with all five of the main series Pokémon games on the Game Boy Advance. Items and Pokémon can be traded between them in the same manner that they can be traded between each other, however, the player must have defeated Evice in the main story mode in order to unlock it, have a GameCube-Game Boy Advance cable, and a Game Boy Advance or GBA SP. All are required to do so.


Main article: Staff of Pokémon Colosseum


Red's model in Colosseum
  • Despite being on the cover, Groudon and Kyogre are not available in the game unless traded from aGame Boy Advance game. This is the only time that a Pokémon that appears on a game's cover is not found in the game, aside from the storage game Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire.
  • The game contains 3D models of the Trainers from Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen despite being released before them. This situation is similar to that with Pokémon Stadium 2, which was released on the same day as Pokémon Crystal in Japan and several months before it in other regions. These models can be seen in Battle Mode when a team from the appropriate GBA cartridge was registered.
  • The starter Pokémon, Espeon and Umbreon, already have some experience points toward the next level at the start of the game.
  • The game erroneously calls Frenzy Plant "Solid Plant".
  • If a Pokémon is traded from Pokémon XD to a GBA game and then to this game, the caught location will most likely be displayed as Mt. Battle, regardless of where it was actually caught in Orre, even if it was caught in an area accessible in the game, because both games use exactly the same internal index list for locations. Doing the reverse also produces a status screen oddity.
  • Unlike the Pokémon Stadium series, Pokémon in this game retain their computerized voices, identical to those in the GBA games.
  • This game is the only game in which none of the members of the Zubat evolution family are obtainable without trading.
  • In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the Trainer in zone 93 of Mt. Battle has EspeonUmbreonRaikouEntei, and Suicune, Colosseum's starter Pokémon and Shadow legendary Pokémon.
  • Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness are the only RPG Pokémon games released after Pokémon Crystalnot to give the player the choice of playing as either a boy or a girl.
  • The Pokémon Storage System only has 3 boxes, thus allowing a maximum of 90 Pokémon to be stored. As there are no wild Pokémon to be caught and trading yields no additional Pokémon, the player normally can never get more than the 48 ordinary Shadow Pokémon, the three Japanese e-Reader-exclusive Shadow Pokémon, Espeon and Umbreon, and two gift Pokémon. However, when a Nincada evolves, the game still creates the additional Shedinja, thus allowing the player to keep the purified Pokémon in the game plus more from other games. If the player attempts to catch a Shadow Pokémon with full PC boxes and party, the message "The box is full. You can't Snag any more Pokémon." will be displayed.

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